I have been sick the last few days and in between
Nana naps have managed to get my last war machine for my Roman/
Remans built, a
Ballista. The
Ballista was a torsion powered
catapult that the Romans
acquired from the Greeks. It came in a variety of sizes with small bolt shooting types known as scorpions (like an oversize crossbow) and large stone throwing types. From records of ancient sieges it has been found that the larger stone
throwers could hurl round stones as heavy as 45kg. I have built one of the larger types, and I think its entirely
appropriate to use it as a cannon in my
WHFB Reman Army:

Its made from balsa, plasticard, wire and some sculpted grey stuff. I based it on the one you can buy form Warlord Games seen here: http://shop.warlordgames.co.uk/roman-ballista-274-p.asp
It probably only took me a few hours so it was a good way to save 18 pounds :P By far the longest and most annoying part was doing the "riveting" I hate riveting, I really do. What you have to do is cut small circles from a 1mm styrene rod and then individually glue them on with a pin. At least its done now!
I also finished of the detail ling on my two Onagar/ Mortars so my artillery park is all good to go.

1 comment:
It´s really great what you have done here! I was looking to a new ballista to buy it, but now provably I´ll make my own one! very inspiring, thank You!
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