Hey Folks,
Got my first game of Star Wars Armada in with the Rebels in a 400pt bash vs Ben at my place.
I had 2 Mk2 Assault Frigates (with enhanced batteries and gunnery teams of course), a support frigate with Leia and 2 Corvette B's. So 5 ships! Also had 2 each no name X-wing's, A-wing's and Y-wing's. Lead by Dodonna
The Imperial Opressors had 2 Victory's (one a II with Tarkin, one a I with Dominator and Assault Missiles!), the Gladiator Insidious, 4 TIE's, an advanced, a Bomber, Vader and Rhymer.
The mission was Intel Sweep 2hich I thought should favour me but...
Imperial's had the initiative so they lumber forward with Dominator moving near the first objective, a weapons platform. My 1st space whale (on loan from Ben) moves to investigate a fuel depot while the corvettes swing wide and my flagship assault frigate (the converted one) and Leia's Nebulon B lurk centrally. Squadron play so much jockeying for position while a sneaky TIE manages to engage the lead x-wing.
Turns 2 and 3 saw the Assault frigates dive past Tarkin's flagship in order to avoid getting nailed by the Gladiator. I cut this a bit close with the space whale and he clipped Tarkin's Victory but thankfully didn't get stuck on the front! I managed to avoid taking too much damage from the Gladiator but Ben was slowly wining the fighter war and I wasnt able to do enough damage to the Star Destroyers.
Turn 4 and 5 saw Dodonna's flagship destroyed on the edge of the gas cloud. One of the corvettes played chicken with the Gladiator too long and eventually Bens black dice of death got it. Meanwhile Leia's Nebulon B took a brutal hit from Tarkin's Victory which almost one shotted it...until Tarkin promptly ordered Ramming speed and crushed her :(
The space whale and a corvette managed to escape the trap but we only had one objective to the Imperial's two. I could of got another one but might have died anyway and the fighters where all but gone so...jump to Hyperspace!
Thanks for the great game Ben! Rebels are different but I like how they play. You drove your fleet very well and it punished me when I made mistakes! Keen for a rematch!